Rome, Italy - March 1st 2019

Presentation of Heritage4Cuba

Under the project Heritage4Cuba UNIDO ITPO ITALY , Friuli Venezia Giulia  Region and Historian’s Office of Havana City rewards the most innovative ideas to reuse historic buildings in Havana!

The project is fostering institutional and entrepreneurial cooperation in restoration and urban-architecture development to take advantage of common opportunities arising from closer cooperation and integration between Italy and Cuba, including capacity building, exchange of experiences and dissemination of best practices to promote new employment opportunities and inclusive growth in Cuba.

Cuban architects, students and engineers have applied to the call of the Heritage4Cuba Architecture Competition launched in July 2019 with innovative and sustainable proposals for the restoration and reuse of two historic buildings in Havana, San Isidro and San Ignacio.

On October 18th 2019 , the competition Jury chaired by the President Arch. Vilma Rodríguez Tápanes, by the Italian and Cuban members, by the Director of UNIDO ITPO Italy Ms.Diana Battaggia and by Ms. Ana Luiza Thompson-Flores, Director of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe,  proclaimed  the winners of the architecture competition Heritage4Cuba.

Focused on the cultural heritage and creative industries winners will have the opportunity to attend a four-week program to be held in the Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), participating to lectures and workshops delivered by the University of Udine and Trieste , Rizzani De Eccher Spa and restoration centres with the aim to enhance the bilateral cooperation.

The award ceremony will take place on December 13th in Trieste, Italy.




Support the Cuban Government to enhance the architectural & cultural heritage of Havana