Rome, Italy - 13-16 February 2018
Rome, 13-16 February 2018 - In the framework of the project implemented for Botswana in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS), UNIDO ITPO Italy organized the incoming of an institutional and entrepreneurial delegation belonging to Biogas sector.
The mission, launched also thanks to the joint collaboration between UNIDO ITPO Italy and UNDP Botswana, aimed to develop capacity building actions in Biogas for the Botswana representatives as well as to provide awareness to the Italian private sector regarding the current efforts in Botswana in this sector.
During their stay in Italy, the delegation took part to the Round Table “Biogas Opportunities in Botswana”, held on 14 February morning in ITPO Italy premises with the presence of the Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea, illustrating the Investment and technology transfer opportunities in Botswana to several Italian entrepreneurs active in biogas sector. In the afternoon the representatives attended the Biogas Italy Conference «Back to Earth», organized by the Italian Consortium of Biogas (CIB) held from 14-15 of February in Rome.
UNIDO ITPO Italy organized also a study tour in biogas sector for the Botswana delegation : visiting an agrowaste feedstock plant installation with the support of the Biological Care company; and a recovery of methane from a waste landfill installation with the support of the MARCOPOLO Engineering. This last company has opened their best practices in Biogas in Italian territory to provide real examples of the advantage of the use of biogas.
The Botswana delegation is formed of the following members: Mr. Modiri Garenamotse from BMC; Mr. Namedi Modisi, Kweneng District Ventures (PTY) - Waste Landfill; Ms. Matshelo Kepobileng, Department of Energy, Mr. Sylvester S. Mswela Department of Animal Production from the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Baboloki Autlwetse GEF Biogas Project and UNDP consultant, Mr. Moses Mari, Dept. of Waste Management and Pollution Control.
Botswana is implementing a Global Environmental Fund (GEF) project in Biogas that aims the construction of several installations of biogas such as: 1000 small digestors (dimension 4m3-300m3), 3 middle biogas installations being one of them the Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) and one big digestor for the treatment of local waste.