Beirut, Lebanon - 26-28 September 2018
Renewable energies as opportunities for investment and promotion of industrial partnerships, as well as numerous bilateral meetings between Italian entrepreneurs and potential Middle Eastern partners: these are the results of the UNIDO ITPO Italy mission to the Beirut Energy Forum, which took place in the Lebanese capital from 26 to 28 September.
The participation in IBEF is part of a project funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, and implemented by UNIDO ITPO Italy.In collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency (Istituto italiano per il Commercio con l’Estero - ICE), the Italian delegation presented a very interesting booth in which more than one hundred business meetings were organized. Moreover, the Italian companies had also the opportunity to participate in a promotional event aimed at presenting various cutting-edge technologies in the renewable energy sector, stimulating the interest of several Lebanese companies.
The focus of the Forum was the promotion of digital development, as also reported in the title of the event. The overcoming of the analogue instrument and its gradual replacement with modern technologies is indeed affecting the energy consumption patterns, stimulating the optimization of resources, as well as the increased use of industrial platforms and intersectoral partnerships. UNIDO ITPO Italy played a strategic role in connecting local companies and Italian ones, remaining available for the follow-up.