LUISS CAREER DAY: working for the UN, a school for life!

Rome - September 22nd, 2018

LUISS CAREER DAY: working for the UN, a school for life!

What does it mean to start a professional career working in a UN agency? What does it mean to leave a prestigious private university and have to confront the most cosmopolitan and varied reality in the world? What is the meaning of a complex professional choice such as deciding to become civil servants worldwide? Who are the many and who the few?

These were some of the questions we tried to answer in the third edition of the Luiss Career Bootcamp, on September 22nd.

We answered to all of them explaining why employees of UNIDO are expected at all times to uphold the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity, both at work and outside. Our recruitment webpage recites: only persons who fully and unconditionally commit to these values should consider applying for jobs or internships at UNIDO. We are sure that many of the students we met were exactly this kind of persons.

Our mandate is fully recognized in SDG 9 which calls to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation” starting from the internship, the first step towards becoming a BUILDER OF A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR EVERYBODY.

And don’t forget: “if you’re gonna play the game, kids, better if you gotta learn to play it right!