Peru: Round Table for the presentation of the Study on Technologies and Solutions for Solid Waste Management in Urubamba

Urubamba, Peru - 14th December 2023

Peru: Round Table for the presentation of the Study on Technologies and Solutions for Solid Waste Management in Urubamba

UNIDO ITPO Italy organized and held on 14th December 2023 at the premises of the Provincial Municipality of Urubamba, Peru, a round table for the presentation of the study on technologies and solutions for local solid waste management to promote sustainable practices in the field.

This initiative was part of the project "Fostering International Partnerships between companies and/or institutions operating in the Energy and Environment sectors" (#FIPEE), implemented by UNIDO ITPO Italy and financed by the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE).

Moderated by UNIDO ITPO Italy's Chief Technical Advisor Dino Fortunato, the round table was open to and attended by local and national government authorities, professionals, academics and furthers stakeholders interested in waste management: among the participants, representatives of the Ministry of the Environment of Peru (MINAM), country counterpart of the FIPEE project; the Mayor of Urubamba, Eng. Rolando Vera Gallegos; the Representative of CIE Tecnología Ambiental (a division of Energotec) Eng. Federico Solari; and representatives of the Convention Bureau and the Chamber of Tourism of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, as well as officials for environment management.

During the presentation of its study "Technologies and Solutions for Solid Waste Management", CIE Tecnología Ambiental addressed the challenges of the sector in Urubamba and its surrounding regions and detailed opportunities for solutions through sustainable best practices. The transition to a circular-economy model is essential for an Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the province of Urubamba: in this direction, the study will now allow local authorities to evaluate concrete measures for actions against climate change, preserving nature by reducing carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as for the formalization of small family businesses through the creation of new jobs in solid waste collection.


Photo credits: Provincial Municipality of Urubamba