UAE mission to Trieste

Trieste - 20-22 novembre 2019

UAE mission to Trieste

Within the project “Innovation Bridge Trieste-Dubai 2020” – a series of joint activities leading to EXPO Dubai 2021 – UNIDO ITPO Italy scheduled a mission to Trieste with Mr. Ali Al Nuaimi, Advisor for Economic and Commercial Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Italy.

This initiative was aimed at engaging local stakeholders in the field of research – including universities, business associations, technology providers and innovation centers – to increase the exchange of technological know-how and to facilitate networking industry events during ESOF Trieste and EXPO Dubai 2021.

The UAE representatives had the opportunity to visit AREA Science Park, Elettra Sincrotone Trieste, the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), World Trade Center Trieste and the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), as well as to meet with Mr. Roberto Di Piazza, the Mayor of Trieste, Mr. Fabio Scoccimarro, Regional Assessor for Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, and Mr. Sergio Emidio Bini, Regional Assessor in charge of Productive Activities and Tourism.