
Winner – OVERALL category

Sector: Food Safety


Protect consumers. Avoid product recalls. Save production costs.

Yarok Technology Transfer, Ltd. is an innovation-based start-up that has developed a fast microbiological testing system for the fresh food industry to protect consumers and safeguard producer interests. Clear, high-resolution results are provided in 45 minutes; final assessment within a few hours.
Yarok fast testing System is aimed at food producers of all sizes, and professional laboratories, and uses conventional, affordable off-the-shelf laboratory equipment. In Jan. 2017, the System was validated following FDA and EP standards for validation of new testing methods. The system also allows for production facility environment control: surfaces, equipment, etc. are sampled using customized swabs.
Yarok is based in Jerusalem, Israel, with laboratory facilities in Bat-Yam, near Tel Aviv.


To providing a fast, accurate Food Safety testing system for produce producers, exporters and importers, worldwide.

The team





Chief Scientific Officer


Marketing Communications

The project


The possible presence in food products of pathogenic bacteria (E.coli, Listeria, Salmonella, etc.) are among the most dangerous threats to consumer health and the entire food industry. This threat is compounded by the fact that today’s testing methods are too slow; results are ready only after products are on store shelves or consumed, a cause for product recalls, lawsuits, and health hazards.

Innovation-based start-up Yarok has developed a fast microbiological testing system for the food industry to protect consumers and safeguard producer interests. Clear, high-resolution results are provided in 45 minutes; final assessment within hours.
The System is aimed at food producers and professional laboratories, and uses affordable off-the-shelf laboratory equipment. It also allows for production facility environment control, using customized swabs.

Innovation for Developing Countries

The System opens the possibility for DC exporters to fast-test fresh produce and attest to importers the absence of dangerous bacteria in fruits and vegetables, without compromising on freshness requirements.
First World requirements in terms of traceability, sanitary and phytosanitary characteristics are among the major barriers limiting DCs in the export of fresh or processed agricultural products. Export possibilities are missed as a result of poor food safety regulations in the DC, technical factors, and limited access to technological solutions.
Providing DC exporters with the capability of fast testing the microbiological quality of fresh products can help to leverage their export opportunities.

Under the patronage of

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