Mission to Italy of H.E. State Minister of Commerce and Industry of Somalia

Rome, Italy - 28th - 29th November 2023

Mission to Italy of H.E. State Minister of Commerce and Industry of Somalia

On 28th and 29th November 2023 UNIDO ITPO Italy supported the mission in Italy of H.E. Abdisalam Sharif Hussein, the State Minister of Commerce and Industry of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

During the mission, the State Minister of Commerce and Industry of Somalia engaged with key Italian institutions in Rome, including Confindustria Assafrica & Mediteraneo, CNA -National Confederation of Craftmanship and SMEs - and Telecom Italia Sparkle, offering an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, share best practices, and establish fruitful partnerships.

The support provided allowed the mission to provide a platform to enhance the collaboration and dialogue between Italy and Somalia, strengthening the existing ties between the two countries and exploring new avenues of cooperation.