Online - October 28, 2020

Doing Green Business in Cuba

On 28 October UNIDO ITPO Italy successfully hosted and moderated its virtual country presentation “Doing Green Business in Cuba”, promoting investment opportunities and incentives in the local sectors of renewable energies among Cuban and Italian institutions and small and medium enterprises in the field.

Featuring the welcome speech by Ms. Diana Battaggia, Head of UNIDO ITPO Italy, the event notably saw the participation of the Embassy of Cuba in Rome, with an opening intervention by Ms. Emma Liens Morejón, Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Trade and Cooperation, exploring where and how to invest in Cuba, as well as the closing remarks of Mr. Jorge Luis Alfonzo Ramos, Minister Counsellor for General, Political and Technical Scientific Affairs, who emphasized the need to further institutional cooperation and trade partnerships for local sustainable development.

The panel discussion was also joined by Mr. Rosell Guerra Campaña, Director of Renewable Energy Sources at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, who illustrated in detail the policies, the priorities and the ongoing projects of MINEM in the field of renewable energies. After his intervention, Ms. Naivy Carrera Laurens and Ms. Madelin Olivera Llanes, respectively Sub Director of International Relations and Foreign Investment and Head of the International Collaboration Group at Grupo Azucarero AZCUBA, discussed the investment opportunities and collaborative projects promoted by AZCUBA; Mr. Andrea Piccoli, Head of Solgreen SRL Italia, presented success cases of Italian entrepreneurship in Cuba; and Mr. Juan Garzón Perera, Director of Testing, Validation and Certification of Agricultural Technologies at the Institute for Agricultural Engineering Investigations, highlighting the potential of the application of renewable energy sources in agriculture.

Attended by over 20 participants, “Doing Green Business in Cuba” was the final episode of the webinar series “Doing Green Business” organized by UNIDO ITPO Italy in the framework of the project “Fostering international partnerships between companies and/or institutions operating in the energy and environment sectors” funded by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea.