UNIDO ITPO Italy organized a roundtable with African embassies: 'Synergies for the Development of Local Capacities and Entrepreneurship in Africa'

Rome - February, 4th 2011

UNIDO ITPO Italy organized a roundtable with African embassies: 'Synergies for the Development of Local Capacities and Entrepreneurship in Africa'

UNIDO ITPO Italy organized a roundtable with African embassies: 'Synergies for the Development of Local Capacities and Entrepreneurship in Africa'

Rome, February 4th 2011. UNIDO ITPO Italy hosted in its premises the 2nd Roundtable  with some Representatives of African Embassies. The main subject of this Roundtable is: “Synergies for the Development of Local Capacities and Entrepreneurship in Africa”. The Officers in charge of the economic affairs, coming from Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, and Uganda participated in the above-mentioned event. In this framework, it is important to highlight that the Embassy Officers of Ghana, Mozambique and Senegal recently had the chance to discussed on the second Roundtable issues with UNIDO ITPO Italy. 

A brief presentation concerning conclusions and recommendations arose from the last Roundtable as well as UNIDO ITPO Italy activities in Africa has been presented to all participants.  

In this context the following main issues have been discussed:

  • The next International workshop on “Food Safety & Food Security: from the farm’s gate to the consumer’s table” (Addis Ababa – Ethiopia, November 2011)

  • The evaluation form, drafted by the UNIDO ITPO Italy, to be addressed to the Italian companies currently working in Sub-Saharan Africa. All Embassies invited to the Roundtable are expected to sent their feedbacks, suggestions and/or comments to UNIDO ITPO Italy

  • 2011 work plan on Embassy activities, especially with reference to events and fairs to be promoted as well as next high level institutional visits in Italy

These discussions were aimed to share information and to strengthen the cooperation between UNIDO ITPO Italy and each Embassy.

UNIDO ITPO Italy will keep in touch with all participants, offering its expertise and support for the next initiatives, international fairs and investment opportunities.