Ethiopian Delegation Study Tour in Italy

Rome - Florence - October 6th-11th, 2014

Ethiopian Delegation Study Tour in Italy

On October 6th 2014, at UNIDO ITPO Italy headquarters in Rome, a round table named “Technical Assistance for Upgrading the Ethiopian Leather and Leather Product Industry” has taken place. It has been organized in the framework of the activities carried out in collaboration with the Ethiopian government.

As well as UNIDO Staff, a huge Ethiopian delegation has participated to the round table, led by H.E. Haile Tadesse, Ethiopian Minister for Industry, at the presence of H.E. Ato Mulugeta Alemseged Gessese, Ambassador of the Federative Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Italy, with the involvement of Mr. Campanile, representative of the Italian Ministry for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

During the meeting, each delegation has had the opportunity to define its priorities, interests and objectives in relation with the aforementioned project. Particularly, the African delegation has underlined its willingness to continue its collaboration with the UNIDO, hoping that the Ethiopian economic potential will have the opportunity to emerge and be used, according to the environmental sustainability.

The round table has opened  delegation’s Italian study tour, which will allow the functionaries to discover Italy’s districts operating in the tanning and leather industry production. The delegation, assisted by the UN Agency, will meet some Confindustria representatives in Florence and then continue the guided visits in the productive districts of Vigevano, famous for its shoe production, and Santa Croce sull’Arno, known for its tanneries.

The counterparts have expressed their satisfaction for the meeting, as it has reaffirmed the good relations between Italy and Ethiopia as well as laying down the basis for future sinergies.