

Official name Gabonese Republic
Political capital Libreville
Local currency Franc CFA
Official languages French

Why Gabon

Gabonese economy is mainly based on the export of oil and timber. The country, however, has a high income inequality and this affects the economic condition of the population. In 2009, due to the global crisis,  there was a GDP recession of 1,4% and the country continues to face strong fluctuations in the price of oil and manganese exports. The APIP promotes foreign investments in the country. It is a support business agency for administrative procedures, in accordance with applicable laws, for the creation or dissolution of companies.

Investment opportunities:

Primary Sector: Cocoa, coffee, sugar, palm oil, rubber; cattle, okoume, fish.

Secondary Sector: Petroleum extraction and refining process, manganese, gold, chemicals, textiles, food, cement.

Tertiary Sector: Tourism.

Renowable Energies: Gabon focuses on the development of hydropower, biomass and solar energy.

"Gabon Vert" and "Gabon Bleu": UNIDO supports country’s development plans
UNIDO ITPO welcomes the new Italian Ambassador in the Republic of Gabon
Coordination Meeting with Gabon Embassy
Great success for the Gabon-Italy Economic Forum organized by UNIDO ITPO Italy
UNIDO ITPO Italy organized a roundtable with African embassies: 'Synergies for the Development of Local Capacities and Entrepreneurship in Africa'
UNIDO ITPO Italy – Ambassadors’ Roundtable
Meeting with the Gabonese Republic delegation and Italian private sector