Admissible Candidates
The proposal submitted by participants to the tender must be from applicants belonging to the following categories:
- Micro, small, medium, and large enterprises;
- Startups operating in sectors linked to the contest;
- Research centers, incubators, Technology Transfer offices, university spin-offs, and academia;
- Public-Private Partnerships;
- Associations, business consortia and networks, NGOs, as well as public and private foundations linked to the business world and international cooperation.
- Researchers, innovators and smallholders farmers.
The joint participation of candidates belonging to different admissible categories, with the adequate indication of the leading applicants, will represent an added value to the project. Belonging to a team will have to be a well-motivated decision.
The organizers encourage the participation of proposal at any level of development, from early stage ideas to scaling up projects, but also innovative technologies under testing and evidence collection.
Participation to the initiative is free of charge.